Structured Products

Structured Products are for HNI and UHNI and is not one of the conventional investment types, such as stocks, bonds and cash. 

AIF (Alternative Investment Funds)

A notable general feature of AIFs is that they are tailor made investment arrangements. Below are the AIFs in our product basket.

 1.    IIFL High Conviction Fund

 2.   Motilal Oswal Equity Opportunities Fund Series II

 3.​​​​​   IIFL Special Opportunities Fund

​​​​​​​​IIFL High Conviction Fund (Closed Ended)

IIFL High Conviction Fund intends to create a concentrated portfolio of 15-20 high conviction companies which are key beneficiaries of the secular growth drivers, poised for a strong uptick in earnings & cash flows and offer an attractive risk reward. Fund follows S\CDV framework to identify stocks through a mix of top-down (macro analysis to identify sectors) and bottom-up approach (micro analysis to pick stocks within these sectors) for portfolio construction. Secular stocks will form a core portfolio of the fund. These stocks provide consistency and stability to the overall portfolio with lower risk. Cyclical and Defensive stocks will be used to take benefit of cyclical trends of the market and generate additional alpha.

  1. Asset Class: Equity investment with market cap agnostic approach
  2. Ideal Tenure:  5 years
  3. Minimum ticket size:  INR 1 cr

Investment Manager : IIFL Asset Management Limited

Funds Manager : Mr. Mehul Jani

PPT    |   Product note     |      Application Form     |     Product Internal Video     |     Factsheet

Motilal Oswal Equity Opportunities Fund Series II

​​​​​​​​IIFL Special Opportunities Fund

IIFL Special Opportunities Fund is one of a kind fund which offers investors an access to Pre-IPO and IPO opportunities. Fund intends to create wealth by investing in unlisted companies at Pre-IPO stage, Invest in IPO's as an anchor investor or through the QIB route to improve chances of allotment in case of over-subscription and select Post IPO opportunities such as QIP
, Preferential allotment, FPO, Open offer, buy back etc. 
  1. Asset Class: Equity investment
  2. Ideal Tenure: 4 years
  3. Minimum ticket size: INR 1 cr

Investment Manager : IIFL Asset Management Limited

Funds Manager : Dr.Rahul Salvi

Factsheet  Of  SOF  |  Factsheet Of  SOF 2 |  Factsheet Of  SOF  3  | Factsheet Of  SOF 4  |  Factsheet Of  SOF 5 |

Factsheet Of  SOF 7   
